The Journey Inwards

What is true?

Posted on: November 10, 2014

‘We live in a democracy’, we say with pride. Rule by the people and for the people. We stand atop a hill, behind a pulpit, looking down at those miserable, unfortunate nations who weren’t blessed with the ‘fortune’ of living under a democracy. We preach principles, principles that we believe everyone would be better of by embracing. We see ourselves as the product of centuries of progress. We have the answer. We are arrogant. Despite the great challenges we face, we remain optimistic. We’re progressing at such a fast rate that we are well on our way to bringing about heaven on earth, a utopia where all are treated equally, where everyone is safe, fed, and loved. It’s a beautiful thing to dream. We wouldn’t have achieved much after all if we hadn’t dreamed a little. But we’re lying to ourselves. We think we’re revolutionaries, but we’re really not. We’re far from it. The idyllic picture we paint of history, of ourselves, of our civilization, a lot of it is not true. Then what is true?

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